interactive_netrc() Walkthrough

Lauren Wolfe


This vignette shows detailed examples for all functionalities of the interactive_netrc() function.

1 Configuration

In order to connect to ImmuneSpace, you will need a .netrc file in your home directory that will contain a machine name (hostname of ImmuneSpace), and your ImmuneSpace login and password. See here for more information.

A netrc file may look like this:

login [email protected]
password supersecretpassword

2 Writing your netrc file

There are two options when it comes to writing a netrc:

2.1 interactive_netrc()

The interactive_netrc function will:

Below is a gif demonstrating how to use this function:

In the case that the user did not provide login information that results in a connection to ImmuneSpace, a netrc file will not be written to the user’s home directory, and the user can try the method again checking for typos.

If the user still cannot connect to ImmuneSpace via the API, they might want to double check that they are registered and that their login information works for ImmuneSpace.

If a netrc file already exists, interactive_netrc will print the existing file to the console and ask the user if they wish to overwrite that file.

Below is a gif demonstrating how this works: